Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Love At First Click

Beware of false fingers...About 15years ago, it would have been quite weird sitting in front of a computer smiling away, totally oblivious to whatever is happening around you and chatting away with some stranger in cyber world.....However, these days, it seems to be the norm as online dating has come to stay through dating sites and social networks...As the number of dating sites and social networks grow, so does the number of singles willing to mingle and meet their significant other on such sites.....
   This new system of dating tends to be competing with the traditional boy-meets-girl kind of dating. As rewarding as this kind of dating could be, one needs to exercise caution because the lack of face-to-face contact with the person you are chatting with gives room for shadiness and deciet...Moreover, these sites have no way of detecting if an uploaded photograph is the actual picture of the user....This means that someone with ulterior motive could hide under a completely falsified profile.....
   As thrilling and exciting dating online could be, it is very necessary to tread carefully and exercise level of caution.....
I tell you, BE SCEPTICAL: No matter how well u connect with someone online, never assume the person is completely honest...Do not get too comfortable and open because you are still strangers and still do not know the user's motives....Be aloof so that you could have a better sense of judgement towards the person.........

: Just a way you wont give a stranger certain personal and private information, you should'nt give details to someone you just met online.....Wait till you graduate from being strangers to a closer relationship...

ASK..ASK.....ASK...: Whoever said asking too many questions were wrong? For everything you are not clear about, ASK!. Even those you have been given answers to, deliberately ask again once in a while..A liar can only tell u too many lies, sooner or later, he will rope himself in his web of lies and be trapped. So never assume or take his online bio for what it is...Always ASK!.

OBEY YOUR INSTINCTS: If u smell a rat, its probably because there is a rat. Do not out of desperation ignore all the warning signs you might be seeing. Never ignore your gut feeling that might just be your life saver.

RED SIGNALS: Be weary of shady and suspicious activities on their profiles; activities like inconsistency of names, picyures of wealth display, vulgar status updates, demand for personal information such as bank details and pay cheque figures, home address, monetary demands and any other thing that seems out of place.

INSIST ON SPEAKING ON PHONE: After you have developed a level of relationship with the user, it is advisable to graduate to phone calls...Hearing the person gives you an opportunity to decipher the character and ask on-the spot questions..You could tell a lot from the tone of one's voice.

MEET IN PUBLIC: If u still feel you are on the right track with this person and decide to meet after the above steps, do not go to his home or bring him to yours. Meet in a public place....Also make sure u tell atleast two people where you are going because you never know....

Whether you choose to meet a partner on dating sites, social networks, or even face-to-face, CAUTION is the keyword!!! LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP!!!....
 You see that "Look before you leap" is boldly typed....Hehe....Have a great time.

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