Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Kanye West's 2nd Sex Tape Emerges.

Kanye West, who recently made headlines for a leaked sex tape, is said to be working twice as hard with his lawyers now that there's a second home video of him getting intimate.

According to his legal team, the naughty film was 'stolen' from his computer, and is almost identical to the first sex tape.

His lawyers admitted that the first video is genuine and are using their legal powers to prevent footage of the rapper doing the deed with a Kim Kardashian lookalike appearing on the internet.

According to an article, both the naughty films are 'impressively long' - the first is roughly 20 minutes and the second last for more than 40 minutes.

The story adds that both tapes were shot several years ago and are 'currently being shopped to media outlets by a third party.'

The website alleges that the tape was filmed in a hotel room and that it was made before he started dating Kim.

A picture released online, - which is believed to be from the video, claims to show Kanye shirtless.

His lawyer, Lisa M Buckley, issued a statement saying that the footage was genuine and the image is stolen property.

She also said that she will take legal action if the sex tape hits the market.

"Be advised that the screen shot, as well as the tape from which the screen shot was taken, were illegally obtained and believed to have been stolen from Mr West's computer," the Mirror quoted her as saying.

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